About Us
Our Vision
To ensure that all students learn at high levels, experience an inclusive community, and graduate prepared with academic and life skills for career and college readiness.
Our Mission
Challenger High School provides a safe and equitable community for educating and inspiring students in preparation for their futures. We provide academic, social and emotional supports for the whole student to foster responsible local and global citizenship. Smaller class sizes allow individualized and innovative teaching methods to meet the needs of each student.
At Challenger High School We Believe:
In maintaining vibrant and relevant classrooms
Attendance and effort are critical to learning
In celebrating diversity and unity in our community
All students will be provided a safe and secure learning environment
Communication among students, staff, families and administration is vital
School Profile
Principal: Bethany Aoki
Assistant Principal: Kara Runge
Counselor: Alison Von Stein
Challenger High School was formed in 1974 as the Alternative High School for the Bethel School District. After several location changes and transformations of the program, Challenger High School’s campus housed 14 portables at its current location. It is one of five high schools in the Bethel School District, and Challenger serves 300 students in grades 9 - 12. Challenger High School is located in Spanaway, in Pierce County, south of Tacoma, Washington. For more information visit: www.bethelsd.org/chs. The new Challenger High School building opened in September of 2022 and features 20 classrooms, commons, computer and science labs, student resource center, CTE maker-space, a gym and an art studio. Challenger serves a small in-person alternative middle school serving grades 7 and 8 in a cohort model. We utilize project based exploration, and community building to create a supportive alternative middle school.
Type of School: Challenger is an Accredited, Public, 4-year high school, organized into four quarters of nine weeks each. Challenger is the Alternative High School for the Bethel School District.
Total Enrollment: 300 students, grades 9 – 12
Percent Free/Reduced Lunch: 71.1%
A total of four courses plus an Advisory period are offered, with an AM or PM session for a full-time student each quarter.
Running Start is a Washington State early college entrance program that provides an opportunity for juniors and seniors to take community or technical college classes, earning high school and college credit simultaneously. Challenger High School students may take advantage of this program, either full or part time.
Challenger students may attend the PCSC during the opposite session of their school schedule. Students attending the Skills Center can earn an additional 4.5 high school credits each year, while learning a trade. Programs descriptions are online on the Pierce County Skills Center website. For more information please visit: www.bethelsd.org/pcsc
CLASS RANK: Based on unweighted cumulative GPA.
Grading: The overall course grade for passing is a C or higher. This is outlined in the table below:
Grade |
Min (Ave Standard Grade) |
Max (Average Standard Grade) |
A |
3.300 |
4.000 |
B |
2.600 |
3.299 |
C |
1.800 |
2.599 |
NC/F |
0.000 |
1.799 |
An NC= No Credit would be reported in a progress report. If an NC is still in place at the end of the term, it will turn into an F.
Final Grade Calculation: The Summative Scores will be averaged and the Formative scores will be averaged. Then each of those two categories will be calculated at 90/10 weight value. An NC is the Progress Report grade and if an NC is still the mark at the Final Grade, it will become an F.
0.5 credit is awarded per class per quarter for a grade of A, B, C, or P. No credit is given for an F or NC.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS – for the class of 2020 and beyond (grades 9-12)
4 credits of English Language Arts, 3 credits of Social Studies, 2 credits of Fine Arts
3 credits of Science, 1.5 credits of Physical Education, 0.5 credits of Health
3 credits of Mathematics, 1 credit Career and Tech. Ed. 2 credits of World Language
4 credits of Electives
Total of 24 credits needed to graduate
In addition to passing the academic requirements, students must also pass the Smarter Balanced Assessment in English Language Arts and in Math. Students can also use minimum scores on alternative assessments to meet this requirement: SAT, ACT, ASVAB.
Principal: Bethany Aoki
Email: baoki@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253.800.6889
Assistant Principal: Kara Runge
Email: krunge@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253.800.6888
Secretary: Kim Nelson
Email: kknelson@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253.800.6800
Fax: 253.800.6898
Registrar: Kelly Jones
Email: krjones@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253.800.6884
Fax: 253.800.6898
Academic Counselor: Alison VonStein
Email: avonstein@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253.800.6808
Attendance/Health Clerk: Caitlin Bloomingdale
Email: cbloomingd@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253.800.6892
A.L.E. Office Clerk: Bronte Wetherington
Email: bwethering@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253.800.6859
School Social Worker: Lauren Riley
Phone: 253.800.6871
Email: lariley@bethelsd.org
School Psychologist: Geraldine Snyder
Phone: 253.800.6852
School Nurse: Meredith Mackey
Phone: 253.800.6868
Email: mmackey@bethelsd.org
Health Clerk:
Phone: 253.800.6892
Graduation Success Coordinator: Victor Villareal
Email: vvillarrea@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253.800.6808
Career Clerk: Victor Villareal
Email: vvillarrea@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253.800.6810
Lori Weik
Email: lweik@bethelsd.org
Phone: 253.800.6893